No compromise on security Our non-custodial wallet solutions guarantee the highest industry standards and offer two-factor authentication, multi-signature keys and biometric authorization.
We make it easy to buy & sell AGO and ASO with fast cash settlement - see your funds on your bank account or wallet within minutes..
We’re always just one tap away via our human customer support.
*1) Guarantee the value of your investment *2) Without the risk of inflation as it affects known currencies *3) Owning gold and silver without the risk of it being stolen *4) Constant availability where and when you need it *5) Reduction of a loss through the sale and related fees *6) We buy your gold and silver coins/Option back. When and where you want *7) Liquidity in local currencies. You can convert our digital Option/Coins into local currencies at any time via our system and transfer it immediately to your bank account in any country or at any time. *8) Possibility to send any value from the digital Option/Coins of your account to another account in our system that is unlimited, unconditional and of course free of charge
With the Aladin Ago-pay account, you can invest in Gold & Silver Coins / Option directly from your bank account. Buy or Sell AGO or ASO with just a few taps.
We offer user-controlled Option wallets for AGO and ASO – you’re the only one that can access and control your funds and transactions, not us or anybody else.
We offer you the AGO & ASO Option account of the future – today. Open your free AGO & ASO Option account for everyday savings and payments.
The Ago-pay debit card is the perfect travel companion. With the Mastercard debit, contactless payment is possible everywhere as well as free cash withdrawals at over 40 million ATMs worldwide.
Our win account allows you to earn from your AGO and ASO. Watch your coins / Option grow in real-time and cash out whenever you like. Get paid every day directly to your wallet.
We make it easy to buy & sell AGO and ASO with fast cash settlement - see your funds on your bank account or wallet within minutes..
in three simple steps you are there
Register to agopay Wallet
Verify Your Account
Make Unlimited Transactions
The first digital Option/coins in the world AGO (Aladin Gold Option), ASO (Aladin Silver Option). The first digital Option/coins in the world to be covered with gold and silver and the amount of gold and silver in excess of the market value of the market. It allows you to keep the value of private or commercial capital and to keep liquidity in your hands anytime, anywhere in the world. It is the first investment in the world that is secured against losses and sets new rules for the world of future money. It is the right choice and
Investment security It is impossible that the value of the AGO&ASO digital Option/Coins in your country’s currency is below the value of 1.5g of pure gold, as the gold cover on the other hand guarantees its value under the worst conditions and circumstances. On the other hand, the value will increase in unlimited values and it depends on the supply and demand volume on the global markets. Your investment in minerals and currencies is safe and guaranteed – in terms of financial stability and value – in relation to inflation in global and local currencies – in terms of loss, your investment – in terms of returns In terms of the return / profit, which has a guaranteed and secure profit volume, we leave it to the near future. What happens when you buy a gram of gold or silver? The purchase of silver corresponds to the previous procedure for gold. The difference here is in the value of silver. That means if you buy a gram of silver from us, we buy two grams of silver and add them to your gram. So we have a digital Option/coins on behalf of ASO that is covered by three grams of silver. They have the value of this currency in your local or international currency, so it is impossible for this coin to lose its value less than two grams of silver. No matter what happens and under all circumstances. The increase in value then depends on supply and demand. We are confident of its high profit in the future without determining our expectations of the value of the profit. Why gold and silver? It happens that people who invest in metals generate substantial returns and profits. These are the main metals that are seen as a profitable way to diversify the investment portfolio: Gold: Gold is the largest resource that countries around the world have. Gold, which is characterized and specialized by its indestructible properties, has attracted people for centuries, and people have always sought to store it. Gold is a hedge against inflation and is used to secure assets in times of global economic turmoil and disaster. Silver: Silver is a valuable precious metal that can be used as a currency. For example, the British currency (the pound sterling) is still called silver. Silver is also used in many industries, so it has a special and unique position because it is distinguished by a precious metal and attracts investors through its industrial use. The gold cap is also known as the gold base or international gold system (currency backed by gold). It is a financial system in which gold is used as the basis for determining the value of a paper currency (banknotes). Based on this system to rate a country’s currency, and the country using this system converts any currency it has to gold after it has agreed to accept prices.
-online and worldwide Agent networks – to the locations of our agency and agents – how to communicate – it displays the gold and silver prices directly on the global stock exchanges in a transparent way – Trading prices, our digital AGOPAY – in a clear, transparent and direct way
Ago-Pay is an online wallet that does not charge any fees on funds or accept or require internal transactions within our platform system. however, when withdrawing money from your wallet, you will be charged a fee equal to 5% of the amount withdrawn.
The transfer of AGO and ASO option, or sum of money, is made very easy, you only have to give the email address of the other account holder, who is however registered in our platform system
We take our work very seriously, so your orders will be processed and confirmed immediately, but please pay attention to the limit, when buying precious metals the purchase limit must not exceed 1,800 euros. and top up money limit of 390 euros
to follow all relevant laws and regulations under the EC Directive 2005/60/EC on money laundering. AGO-PAY policies and processes are adapted to prevent individuals from participating in money laundering and other economic crimes and from misusing AGO-PAY products and services for these criminal purposes. AGO-PAY must verify your identity - as a customer at AGO-PAY - in a reliable manner. You will therefore be asked to provide us with certain personal information, including your full name, address and date of birth when you make your purchase. AGO-PAY needs the personal information to meet the requirements for the so-called To comply with the “Know Your Customer (KYC)” principle, which emerges from the above-mentioned laws and regulations. In carrying out these actions, AGO-PAY will protect your integrity and rights at all times. No compromise on security Our non-custodial wallet solutions guarantee the highest industry standards and offer two-factor authentication, multi-signature keys and biometric authorization.
Built-in 24/7 trading We make it easy to buy & sell AGO and ASO with fast cash settlement - see your funds on your bank account or wallet within minutes..
AGO physical gold coin = one gram of fine gold coin 999er AGO, Aladin Gold Option = An AGO physical gold coin purchased by you that is not delivered to you but stored in our vaults.
When you buy an AGO Option, you have purchased One Physical Gram of Fine Gold Coin 999er. Within our system, everything is called and labeled ALADIN GOLD OPTION (AGO Option) as long as it is in our vaults and not delivered to you. So you own AGO physical gold coin or ALADIN GOLD OPTION (AGO OPTION) trade value.
Our AGO coin or AGO option value equals at least 1.5 grams of fine gold coin 999er international stock exchange daily price plus the trading value of our AGO, which originates from the buying and selling transactions of AGO. Example: If the international stock exchange gold trading price for a fine gold gram is 50.00€, then our AGO coin / AGO OPTION has a minimum guaranteed value of 50.00€ x 1.5 = 75.00€ Euro + the value that results from the trading, i.e., when we start our trading, AGO starting price is 75.00€.
Each purchased AGO option is covered with (two and a half) 2.5 grams of 999er fine gold, and worth at least one and a half 1.5 grams of 999er fine gold. AGO option is guaranteed never to go below that value but expected to rise at least 67% in price after trading starts due to gold coverage only.
ASO physical silver coin = one gram fine silver coin 999er ASO, Aladin Silver Option = An ASO physical silver coin purchased by you which is not delivered to you but stored in our vaults.
Was bietet Ihnen eine Investition in AGO? 1) Garantieren Sie den Wert Ihrer Investition 2) Ohne Inflationsrisiko, da es sich auf bekannte Währungen auswirkt 3) Besitzen Sie Gold und Silber ohne das Risiko, dass es gestohlen wird 4) Ständige Verfügbarkeit, wo und wann Sie es brauchen 5) Reduzierung eines Verlusts durch den Verkauf und die damit verbundenen Gebühren 6) Wir kaufen Ihr Gold zurück. Wann und wo Sie wollen 7) Liquidität in lokalen Währungen. Sie können unsere digitale Währung jederzeit über unser System in lokale Währungen umwandeln und sofort auf Ihr Bankkonto in jedem Land oder zu jeder Zeit überweisen. 8) Möglichkeit, jeden Wert aus den digitalen Währungen Ihres Kontos auf ein anderes Konto in unserem System zu senden, das unbegrenzt, bedingungslos und natürlich kostenlos ist 9) Sie eröffnen ein Konto, indem Sie die AGO-App auf Ihr Mobiltelefon herunterladen und Ihr eigenes Konto registrieren. Sie können das Konto eröffnen, ohne Ihre persönlichen Daten anzugeben. 10) Legen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Ihr Passwort fest. 11) Sie können auch Ihre vollständige persönliche Identifikation hinzufügen und Ihre Identität bestätigen. Sie können Banküberweisungen zu und von Ihren eigenen Bankkonten vornehmen, da wir keine Geldüberweisungen von jemand anderem als dem persönlich in ihrem Namen registrierten Kontoinhaber akzeptieren oder senden. 12) Um Spekulationen im System zu verhindern und die Investition zu garantieren, sind die Verkaufs- und Abnahmemengen, die wir für jeden Vorgang zulassen, begrenzt. Dies verhindert Spekulationen über den Wert innerhalb der Währung. 13) Wir legen für jede Transaktion ein Höchstlimit für jeden Verkauf oder Kauf fest. Es ist nicht gestattet, mehr als 25 (fünfundzwanzig) AGO oder 1.000 (eintausend) ASO zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. Sie können jedoch eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Transaktionen durchführen, die jederzeit nacheinander gekauft oder verkauft werden können. 14) Wir bieten Ihnen Agenten, Agenten, Büros, Niederlassungen, Mitarbeiter und Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt. Sie können sich direkt an uns wenden, um Prozesse durchzuführen, Probleme zu lösen oder Hilfe und Unterstützung zu erhalten. 15) Sie können uns telefonisch oder per E-Mail kontaktieren, wo unsere Support-Teams rund um die Uhr für Sie da sind, um mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren und diesbezüglich den besten Support und Service zu bieten. 16) Für jeden Neukunden bzw. Neumitglied bieten wir nach Eröffnung des Kontos über die AGO-APP die Möglichkeit, ein persönliches Online-Bankkonto zu erhalten. Es ist möglich, eine Prepaid-Kreditkarte zu erhalten, die mit Ihrem Konto verknüpft ist. 17) Alle Operationen werden über die AGO-App durchgeführt. Sie erhalten es kostenlos. Online oder über unsere lokalen Vertreter. 18) Es gibt keinen Mindestbetrag, um ein Konto zu erstellen. (Sie können mit einem Euro oder einem Dollar beginnen). 19) Alle Käufe und Verkäufe können Sie über Ihr Konto in der AGO-App verwalten und kontrollieren. AGO ist in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen auf sichere und einfache Weise zugelassen und akzeptiert. Dadurch ist es unabhängig davon, ob Sie offline oder online sind.
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